About us

An anchor in a new era

Our journey started in 2011 with the founding of CargoFit,  focussed business and SAP consultancy on transportation and logistics processes.

With a firm business background our consultants have successfully delivered multiple SAP Transportation Management and SAP Event Management projects, supporting customers in all stages of implementation projects, from package selection to go-live and application support.

CargoFit consultants are focused on helping our customers to gain control over the solutions and to empower the customer’s team to take ownership. We believe that successful business solutions belong in the hands of the business rather than to outsource architectural decisions to external consultants.

Cargofit was founded in 2011

To be able to bring even more value to our customers we founded the CargoSys company in 2018. Our vision is to be able bring the rich SAP functionality and platform to any size customer at a reasonable price. In CargoSys we have captured our collective knowledge and project experience into a cloud solution for road transportation as our first initial focus.

CargoSys works in close relation to SAP enabling us to maintain short communication lines with stakeholders at SAP. Our relationship with SAP also ensures CargoSys to be on top of the latest developments in the SAP logistics product suite. 

CargoSys delivers a premiere with the first SAP Cloud system dedicated for the Road Transportation industry


As SAP Silver partner and Value-Added Reseller CargoSyscan help you find the best possible solution fit and lead you through the process from discovery to go-live and beyond. We strive for long term relationships and long-term commitment to your success.

Bringing great solutions together make for even better solutions if you combine powerful features. In our cloud solutions we are able to enrich the SAP functions and create new ones by partnering with PTV.